Monday, December 1, 2014

Short Blog about Nothing

Some weeks are not that interesting.  Life just goes on in a pattern...Dave takes flights, I work at the Child Care Centre, and we go to the gym too infrequently.

November 19 was Garifuna Settlement Day.  The previous day was extremely rainy, and our street and yard were flooded.  Across the street, the celebrations began with a concert at ITVET.  The festivities started about 10:00 PM, which is when all concerts start around here, and they were lucky that it didn't begin to rain hard again until about 3:00 AM.  I know this, why?  Because it is impossible to sleep during these concerts!  My plan had been to get up early and walk to the bridge and watch the Garinagu boats come in at 7:00 AM.  The street being several inches deep in water and the day being very gray, I stayed in bed instead!  And the rain continued to pour, so this day off in the middle of the week gave me an opportunity/excuse just to read a good book!

On the other hand, Thanksgiving is not a day off in Belize.  That day was a work day, though some people try to have Thanksgiving dinners for sale (fundraisers for schools).  Our cooks at the Centre prepared a lunch of ham, rice & beans, "dressing" (i.e. toasted bread crumbs), potato salad and cranberry sauce.  They even made cakes!  The food was good, and I ate while working!  I can't even remember if Dave flew on any missions that day.

The cold air that the U.S. has had means cool, rainy days for Belize.  I love the cool weather, but the constant rain leaves everything feeling wet to the touch.  And I think that everything smells of mildew, though that may be somewhat my imagination.  Last Saturday was a wonderful day of sun, but cool temps.  Dave and I walked very briskly to the nearby track, then ran on the track, and walked home!  So nice to be outside, working out!  Yesterday was back to the gym, and just getting from the car into the house left us dripping wet from the downpour that hit just as we arrived home!

My visa problem has not been resolved.  I am still waiting for the letter that shows my "volunteer" status.  Dave's letter for his work permit and visa have not arrived either.  We will have to get some resolution with Immigration handled tomorrow (it was to be today, but Dave has been flying all day), as we have a trip to Antigua, Guatemala planned, leaving on Saturday.  We have to solve this issue, at least temporarily, or we cannot leave and return to the country!  I don't know what Maddy and Izzie will do without us if we're deported!

Laura Connelly will arrive in two days for nearly a month in Belize.  She will be moving into her house that will serve as foster home for 7 or 8 girls.  She will go back to Florida on December 21st and return in January "for good."  I am so excited to see her and have her around more often!!