Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The Belize shore!  We have arrived to a tropical adventure!  I'd intended to start this blog when we first learned that we were going to Belize with Wings of Hope, a humanitarian organization with locations throughout the world, providing primarily air transportation for countries needing assistance with ambulance services.  If you Google "Wings of Hope," you will learn more of their mission and operations within the U.S. and abroad.  The organization has been nominated twice for the Nobel Peace Prize.

Dave has been watching the website for this organization for a long time.  When he suddenly was between jobs, he took the opportunity to get his commercial pilot license, a requirement of the organization, so as to be ready if an opportunity arose.  Almost immediately, he saw a posting for a position in Belize as a pilot supporting the Belize Emergency Response Team (BERT), which operates the ambulance system throughout the country.  Dave immediately sent an email, saying that he/we were interested in learning more about the mission.  After several weeks, he received a response from Annie, the administrative assistant, who asked when we could come for an interview.  We were in the air in 48 hours on our way to headquarters in St. Louis!

The interview with Doug Clements included a tour of the impressive hangar and home base for the organization, and after two hours, Doug said that we had the job if we wanted it.  Thus began a total upheaval of our lives as we hastily dealt with minutia to abandon life in New Mexico for a true adventure!

And so I am trying to capture the process of preparing to leave New Mexico, departing New Mexico, and arriving in Belize a scant 4 days ago...which seems like light-years ago.  So much to capture, and so little time to type!  Dave has already done two missions, transporting patients from San Pedro and from Punta Gorda to Belize City and the hospital.  I have had an introductory meeting at Dorothy Menzies Child Care Centre with a Rotary representative, the Department of Human Development, Social Transformation, & Poverty Alleviation representatives, and the House Mother/Director of the Child Care Centre, as well as with Yvette Burks, the dynamic, beautiful woman who is director of BERT, Dave's boss, and the Rotary liaison with the Child Care Centre.

I have shopped, cleaned, and partied since arriving, and I will fill in some of the details in future posts!  An exciting time, for sure!

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