Saturday, September 13, 2014

So Much to Do!

The above picture, which I love, shows Dave flying between cloud layers.  The weather has been more unstable lately, and the rain is actually a welcome change!  The cool(er) breezes help, too!  And Dave has been flying frequently, sometimes getting a bit wet and sometimes finding a whole lot of mosquitos.  Vector control in Belize City has been diligent this summer and apparently effective if one compares the number of mosquitos in other areas.

The rain, however, has only made getting to the Municipal Airport even more challenging!  The extremely bumpy road is now a lake of muddy water through which one must drive.  It looks like the road will soon be cemented, though we are uncertain that it will go all the way to the airport, perhaps ending at the corner.  Any part of the road cemented will help!  The sidewalk is finished, though!

One day, I decided that I had been working enough, so Dave and I played tourist!  We went to the Belize Museum!  Interestingly, we had never made it there, perhaps because I think of going to a museum as a weekend activity and this museum is closed on weekends.  It was a nice, small museum with good Mayan history.  Lots of preserved insects, too, but I rushed through that section!  The museum is in the old prison building. At one time, the prisoners had a popular bakery!

On the first Thursday of the month, Wine Tasting Club holds its event.  Dave and I went this month, which turned out to be a mistake in a few ways.  First of all, it was the beginning of September, and the Belikan (beer) Bash was going on at Memorial Park, making it a challenge to maneuver through the road blocks and not get lost in the dark!  We decided to go to wine tasting instead of a concert, planning to go to the encore performance of the concert on Sunday night--which we didn't do.  And few people showed up for the wine tasting, none of whom we knew, probably due to the above mentioned conflicts!  Maybe another time!

The reason that we did not go to the concert on Sunday night was that our neighbor across the street, Angelia, invited us to her house for her birthday party!  Very special!  I baked a plate of cookies to take as a gift.  We met a number of Cuban doctors who are in Belize for a three year tour of duty. One of the interesting experiences for us in Belize is the opportunity to talk with Cubans, most often doctors and nurses.  They love their country and are certainly good ambassadors for Cuba and for their medical system!  Belizeans also go to Cuba for medical training, and I just saw where a group has returned after 6 years of training there.  Anyway, we plied the doctors with questions about where to go visit--one of our goals in the next 6 months!

The food at the party was wonderful!  We had Nicaraguan tacos, which are what we call taquitos, and they are covered with cole slaw!  They were wonderful!  (Angelia is from Nicaragua.)  Chicken and ham and pasta were also served, plus a wonderful birthday cake!

Jeremy and Jonattan would be happy to know that kareoke is alive and well at birthday parties in Belize!  It was fun, especially, to watch the little girls take over the mike to perform!  I had such a great time people watching and being present for a family/friends birthday celebration!

Dave has been flying early in the morning lately.  Here is a view of sunrise from the air!

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