Thursday, August 1, 2013

Lizard Breath

There is Maddy on the hunt for a very small lizard which is on the window shade!  The week has been full of hunting for the girls!  And their skill is improving!  One evening, a very small lizard (we're talking 1-1/2 inches long and 1/4-1/2 inch wide) made its way into the house, right in front of both cats!  Maddy moved remarkably fast for a big girl, caught the lizard and swallowed it whole instantly!  I am sure that it wiggled and jiggled and tickled inside her!  Izzie has had her share as well.  This small lizard in the kitchen has not yet been captured, but is still on the loose in the downstairs area.  There is a larger version upstairs, but I haven't seen it in a few days.  I've had to relax and become accustomed to their company, and I am just hoping that they are eating mosquitos!  So far the lizards have not caused any gastrointestinal issues for the cats, but I am always a little cautious when they come to bed with us with lizard breath!

Last week seems to have been fairly uneventful.  This week is proving to be a little more interesting.  On Monday I took a child to the clinic for a check to get a refill of her psychotropic medication.  To say that she resisted is putting it mildly, and it took a staff member and me (along with a friend of the child to help calm her--which did not work) to make it into see the psych. nurse!  I may have stated in an earlier blog that we have had no psychiatrist in the country.  Well, that has changed, thankfully!  And when we arrived and were ushered into the office quickly (due to loud profanity coming from the child), we were greeted by a psych. nurse and Dr. Kimball!  I was just glad that he was able to observe the child in her behavior that has us so concerned, and he did change her medication.  But more interesting to me was that he arrived in Belize from the Philippines just two weeks ago!  I really liked him and shared that Jonattan is from the Philippines and that Jeremy and Jonattan are planning a trip there this year.  He was very nice, easy to talk with, and helpful with his knowledge and ability to prescribe appropriately!  A win for all of us (if the child will swallow the medication).

On Tuesday Dave was told that he would be likely flying a patient to Merida, Mexico.  To fly internationally, especially into Mexico from the South, takes lots of study and coordination.  From the south, one can only enter Mexico by air at two airports, even including med-vac planes.  This creates something of a problem if the issue is urgent, which is why they more often go to Guatemala City.  But as it turned out, he never heard back from the people wanting to go, so I guess it was hurry-up-and-prepare for nothing.  This happens fairly often.  Today, though, he is off to some new airport here in Belize.  He was looking for some information in the file cabinet before running out the door--I think for a clue as to where he was going!  I'm hoping he finds the airport and a patient and then finds his way home this afternoon!

Meanwhile, we are getting very excited about going to the wedding next week.  I will have a very busy day before I depart, as the Florida volunteers will be here to discuss and revise and improve our ICU reward system.  I will only have one afternoon with them!  The program is going really well, and I think that it has injected some positive energy and spirit into the place!  But the way we started is costing us a fortune, since so many are participating (which is great).  We will change to a "store" of rewards so that the children can trade in ICU's for small items that they "buy."  Here is a picture of the wall that the Florida volunteers painted with some Belizeans helping them in the creation!

The weather has been hot with no significant rain.  We escaped to the sometimes air-conditioned car one day to go on an errand, which we extended to include a little side trip through a neighborhood in which a friend of mine is buying a house.  It is such a pretty area, with canals behind many of the homes.  The canals could have crocodiles, but my friend hasn't seen any behind her home!

And finally, we have walked by the Sea some and worked out at the Radisson, last night with the general manager who is fun!  (At least he knows we use the gym after giving us a deal!)  Anyway, a sailboat was going by last night at sunset.  Here's a picture!

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