Saturday, December 28, 2013

More Pre-Christmas Festivities!

The weather has been continually rainy, four times the normal for the last month or more.  When the day for the annual Christmas Parade dawned bright and sunny and the perfect temperature, the time for celebrating began!  I loved being outside, watching people and waiting for the parade to begin.  Dave was off flying, so I walked the half mile to a good spot across from the hospital.

The parade was filled with children, marching in holiday colors, playing in bands, and dancing.

 (The man marching behind the band, above, is a neighbor of ours, George.  He directs traffic for St. Joseph's Church a block away, and on this day he had been tipping the glass way too early!  He always greets us with a cheer and a wave as he sees us drive by!)
We always have our favorite clown, too!  He is Javier, the medic who works for BERT and flies with Dave, when he isn't being a clown!  And Santa brought up the rear atop the fire engine!

On December 20, the Department of Human Development hosted a lovely dinner and dance for employees and their guests.  The room on the fourth floor of a nearby building was beautifully decorated!  A turkey dinner was served, and a DJ provided music for dancing!  Here are a couple of pictures from the event!

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