Sunday, December 1, 2013

Thanksgiving--Belize style!

Thanksgiving in Belize is a little odd.  First of all, the fact that it is mentioned or celebrated is odd, given that the Pilgrims landed on Plymouth Rock and not on a Caye.  Secondly, it is not a national holiday, so if one were to actually celebrate it, one would need to take the day off.  The larger restaurants feature turkey dinners, for which I presume one would need a reservation.  And some families do fix a turkey dinner.

Dave and I, being Belizean right now, worked per usual.  Dave had a flight, and I worked at the Child Care Centre.  I did order a Thanksgiving lunch, prepared by and sold by the Anglican High School students.  Hmmm...I think it was a Belizean Thanksgiving lunch!  Rice and beans with a slice of turkey on top!  And a slice of ham lunchmeat!  And one teaspoon of cranberry relish!  Most amusing was the "dressing," which actually was a small pile of toasted bread crumbs!  The student who sold me the lunch was so very grateful and appreciative, so I felt totally great about it!  As Dave was flying, his lunch went to our van driver, who brought us the lunches from the high school.  I might mention that the number of styrofoam boxes for lunches defies counting here!  At lunchtime, on nearly every street, a vendor will be selling lunch, packaged in a styrofoam container.  Often it is chicken with beans and rice.  You will see parents outside schools buying lunches from a vendor for their children.  Some vendors are just outside of a business, making it convenient for the employees to dash out and buy lunch!  I find it expensive, so it rather surprises me that people feel okay to purchase lunch.  Of course, it is their major meal of the day.  I am sure that some bring their lunches from home to work--maybe peanut and butter sandwich and a banana!?!

The Child Care Centre has had an influx of children recently.  We now have about 65 children, and a number of them speak only Spanish.  I am wishing that I'd been studying Spanish!  My interviews of children have prompted great laughter in some of the kids!  Anything to amuse them, I say!  LOL!  I spent the better part of one day with a 6-month-old and a 4-year-old, who was very traumatized by the move to the Centre.  I was the "grandma," giving the children time together, as they are in different dorms and not frequently seeing one another.  The difference for the 4-year-old was amazing--he left me and the baby and began playing with the other young children, for the first time since his arrival! Success!  And he is doing much better now.  Of course, we are not equipped to have such young children at the Centre, but if there is no foster family available at the time, here they come!

The week ahead will be an exciting one!  I think I'll start by taking Monday off!  I am actually going to the Centre today to open the admin. building for a University of Belize social work student who is going to do a healthy boundaries group with some of our boys.  I'm supervising for a bit!  On Wednesday, the Centre has a Board meeting to which I've been invited, with a catered lunch!  The only hiccup in this plan is that in our conference room, we have about 20 gigantic shipping boxes of gifts needing to be wrapped.  On December 14, a Christmas party will be held at Bliss Centre for all of the children in care throughout the country--thus the boxes of toys!  (I wonder who will be wrapping those gifts, and if it is on Wednesday, we have a problem!)  Also on Wednesday, Laura Connelly and her group arrive from Florida, bringing gifts for all of our staff and children.  On her last visit she asked each and every person what they wanted, so these are personalized gifts.  And on December 7th, we will have our Centre party with Ms. Laura and Ms. Natalie!

Yesterday, Dave and I shopped for Christmas!  We went to the "Expo" at the Princess Hotel, which featured the major stores selling wares.  We bought a few things there.  Then we went to Mirab Store where we purchased necessities such as a new set of sheets and towels for some special visitors who will be coming in just 3 weeks!!  We also bought a few Christmas decorations so we look a little festive.  We are decorating today.  Some homes are already fully decked out with Christmas lights!  I thought there may be a palm tree or two used as Christmas trees, but people seem to have artificial trees up.  We may or may not go that far in our decorating!

The big news from "home" is that Jonattan has his Green Card in hand!  And Jeremy and Jonattan are on their way to the Philippines on December 10!  We are so happy for them!


  1. My first "traditional" Thanksgiving" meal was a shock! We went to Radisson last Thursday without reservations. So, back and forth we went from the buffet, through two dining rooms to the bar's patio. It was tasty. Neighbors invited us to their "Traditional" Thanksgiving on Friday night. The theme was "A Trinidad Thanksgiving!" So happy for that Green Card. Monday off is a GREAT idea. Enjoy! Life will be simpler for Jeremy and Jonattan.

  2. It is odd that Thanksgiving is even recognized at all! But I love the "dressing." So funny! Those kids are sure lucky to have you there. What a joy for Jeremy and Jonattan!

  3. Pat, you crack me up! I am glad that you are making light of what could be seen as a difficult situation. I actually bought a turkey breast when we were in Mexico and brought it to our local baker as he offered to cook it for me for Thanksgiving, as we had no oven only a stove! I think I made stuffing in the toaster oven. Congrats to Jeremy and Jonattan. Miss you!
