Monday, May 26, 2014

Jennette--Hugging Sharks and Feeding Iguanas!

Jennette & Noam

Jennette Fisher arrived from Albuquerque on May 19th, beginning a week of adventures for both of us! 

We wasted no time in beginning the first of many firsts for Jennette with Dave flying us to Ambergris Caye!  Jennette had not been in a small plane so this short flight was a fun adventure with beautiful views of the Reef!

Jennette and I stayed at the Sun Breeze Hotel, which is just across the street from the San Pedro Airport!  The hotel has a beautiful courtyard and pool, and we spent the afternoon lying by the pool.  Lots of talking and laughing with great drinks from the poolside bar!  Dinner was at one of the best restaurants in Belize, Elvie's!  

The following morning we were told that the electric company was shutting down electricity in the whole town!  And I was pretty desperate for a cup of coffee!  Luckily, we left the hotel early in the morning and quickly discovered Mesa Cafe run by Joann and Shelby from Australia!
While they didn't have electricity, they fixed us icy drinks, chai for Jennette and a Machiato for me! Heavenly!  Then we went shopping--about the time that the electricity returned!

Lunch was at Ramon's Village Resort.  What a beautiful place!  Jennette had her first chance to dip her feet in the Caribbean Sea.    Ramon's burned a few months ago, and our waiter said that 250 people worked to rebuild the resort in 5 months.  The plants are new, and the landscaping is spectacular!  It would be a fun place to spend a few days!

The Sun Breeze Hotel did not have enough people signed up for a snorkeling trip, but they found us a trip a couple of docks away.  Mystic Adventures, with Shamir as the guide, turned out to be a great alternative! A family joined us...grandparents, parents and three children...and they spoke only Spanish! Gave me a little practice!  

We first went to Hol Chan Marine Reserve where we began snorkeling.  The current was strong coming in through a gap in the Reef at high tide.  Shamir led us out, as we looked at colorful fish--large and small!  We saw a green eel and a small shark!  Jennette caused Shamir no end of grief.  To me: "do you know where your friend is?"  Well, I was trying my best not to be left behind and not to drown, so the least of my worries was where Jennette was!  She was very competent at snorkeling and simply was following the fish..but not following Shamir so much!  She was also in charge of the underwater camera, so she was busy taking pictures.  (Shamir took over the camera at times, and dove down to take close-ups!)  We also saw big loggerhead turtles!

After a long snorkeling experience there, we climbed back in the boat and went to Shark Ray Alley. Shamir threw in some fish, and the sharks swarmed!  They were on top of each other, fighting for a bite to eat!  Wild!  What a turmoil of water!  On the opposite side of the boat, Shamir, Jennette and the parents of the children dove in to swim with the sharks!  Shamir caught a shark in his arms and gave it to Jennette to hug!  He also caught a stingray, which Jennette "pet" and said was "slimy."  (I preferred to stay in the boat and took pictures!)

After returning to shore, Shamir dropped us off at our Hotel dock.  By this time, Jennette had noticed that she should have been following Shamir the whole time!  And I am pretty confident that he was happy to have Jennette on board!

Jennette and I collapsed at the pool to recover for a while, then ate dinner at the Blue Water Grille at the hotel.  Excellent food!

Thursday morning we went to the water taxi to catch a ride back to Belize City.  We had done so well with our sun screen up to this point, but we grabbed the chance to sit up on top of the water taxi, sadly without sun screen.  We had a wonderful ride in the SUN and wind, stopping briefly in Caye Caulker before reaching Belize City. Jennette, especially, was scorched.

Given that we still had time on Thursday afternoon, Jennette and I drove to the Belize Zoo.  We were lucky that a "Jaguar lick" was going on with a couple of people, during which the Jaguar does somersaults and eats treats from the hand of a visitor (not us) and jumps atop the cage that holds the visitors!  The day was particularly hot, so the Howlers didn't howl much and the Spider Monkeys didn't play much.  But it was nice to be in the jungle!

Friday was a laid-back day.  I needed to do some work at the Centre, and Dave took the airplane to International Airport for an oil change.  The three of us had lunch at a Lebanese restaurant, and Jennette returned to work with me to see the facility and meet the children.  Dinner was at the Riverside Tavern.

Saturday was another day of firsts!  Jennette and I climbed into the car for a trip to Cayo District.  We stopped first at the Orange Gallery where we both found great things to buy!  We had lunch in the outdoor restaurant.  Then we drove on to San Ignacio, stopping at the San Ignacio Hotel & Resort where we took the Iguana Conservation Project tour.  

Playing with iguanas may not be my favorite activity, but watching the faces of my friends as I take pictures is worth the creepiness (to me) of being with the lizards!  Jennette loved it!  She started out by petting an iguana, and with our guide, Bert's, encouragement, she then held one...two...three...and pretty soon a dozen (baby ones)!!  She held one of the big ones, Noam, and he thought he'd take a bite of her shirt--and wouldn't let go!  The iguanas were hungry fellows and swarmed around one's feet, looking for some leaves.  One leaped from the hand railing onto the back of a very surprised man!  I also enjoyed watching the children, particularly one little guy who appeared to have Aspergers/Autism.  He hung back for much of the tour, watching his brother play with the iguanas.  In the baby nursery, though, he held eleven of them!  What delight on his face!

We still had time for one more adventure!  We went to Cahal Pech for a brief look at one of the many Mayan Ruins in Belize.  Jennette, who has had a couple of surgeries on knees, discovered that her knee felt better in Belize, and she was able to climb a bit at the Mayan temple.

And so the week was over.  We had a wonderful time exploring Belize, and I think that she went home with an appreciation of air conditioning and paved roads!

(More pictures will be added as I get them from Jennette!)

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Two Weeks of Adventures!

Sunrise over the Sandias

Two days after returning to Belize from Springfield, MO, Laura Connelly arrived from Florida.  Her mission this trip was to introduce Belize Hope to the Standard 6 students at three schools, students who will be attending high school next school year.  (Go to: to read about this worthwhile organization!)  She stayed with us, at the Brown B & B, and we had such fun having her here!  While we all worked, we also had time to sit around the table and talk.  

Laura and I took a trip to explore places she might take the children and family for outings during the summer.  Actually, it turned out that we explored places NOT to take the children!  We found two roads that led to Rio Frio, which one of the DMCCC kids said was a great place to visit.  It may be, but to get there, one has to drive on a terrible road!  Now I had the four-wheel drive vehicle, but I asked Laura if she knew how to change a flat tire, which was my biggest concern, and when she replied that she called AAA (my technique, as well), we turned around!  We did make it up to Cahal Pech Village Resort for a lovely lunch in a little rain.  And we took the ferry to Spanish Lookout where the fields were all plowed and ready for planting.  (Here is a picture of Laura crossing the river!)  We wanted to find a road that took us an alternative way into and out of the Spanish Lookout area.  Looking at the map, we felt that we were on the right track, but the yellow gates blocking our way seemed to indicate differently!  After a couple of brief stops at art galleries and after being stopped numerous times at police check points, which were due to the "state fair" that was being held in Belmopan, we made it home before dark!  We had such fun!

On Monday, May 5th, 2014, Laura left for Florida, and Dave and I took off for Albuquerque.  Dave and I had lots of friends to see, and didn't get to touch base with all of them, sadly.  We had lots of appointments, too.  Dave passed his flight physical with flying colors, so to speak.  And he passed his written exams for his CFI, i.e. towards the flight instructors' certificate.  Dave also went to the audiologist in Corrales, and we had dinner at Flying Star, sitting beside a fireplace in May!  

I made it to the dentist and to the eye doctor, who prescribed glasses apparently coated in gold leaf (for the price).  I didn't get much of an answer as to why my vision in my left eye has deteriorated so much, so fast.  I, of course, had to play a little MahJongg and see my friends there!  And I had "Professional Development" with friends who all once worked where I did.  Dave had lunch with former professional friends, too.  And we had to shop!!!  Actually, other than a couple of computers, we bought mostly Swiffer refills!  

Dave and I did go to Edgewood and look in the hangar.  He wanted to get several flying things to bring back to Belize.  I was hesitant about seeing all of my things packed up in the hangar, and was surprised that my reaction was:  "I don't need any of this stuff!"  Interesting!  What I also realized quickly is that I don't want to live in Edgewood again.  The wind was howling, blowing dust and pollen.  It was down in the 40's, and I started sneezing non-stop, eyes streaming!  The allergies in New Mexico are not good for me!

Dave and I loved walking/running along the Rio Grande bicycle trail, so we made time on Friday morning to do that.  The weather was beautiful, and while the allergies persisted, I also realized what I loved about New Mexico!  Crisp, clear weather along the river!

Then back to Belize, where I am happily at home!  Observation:  the wind in New Mexico is not fun, filled with allergens and dust and cold, but the wind in Belize is heavenly, a break in the heat and pleasant to feel.  I will admit that we have smoke in the air from "slash and burn" agriculture, but I have no allergies here, and that in itself is a gift!  A Happy Mother's Day!

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Sudden Trip to Springfield, MO

At work with a wonderful teenager, I received a telephone call from Nathan, which is an unusual event, but not so rare as to provoke anxiety.  I was shocked to learn that my 50-year-old brother, Jim, had died of a sudden heart attack on the evening of April 16th.  Jim's paralegal had a difficult time figuring out whom to call, as she could find no names, addresses, etc. of relatives.  She intelligently looked on his computer at Face Book, where he never signed out, and was able to locate posts about/from his nephews!  So she contacted Jeremy, who at that moment was on his way to a doctor's appointment, so he contacted Nathan, who contacted me.  Then I was left to find Greg, who was in the mountains of Guatemala working at the mine site.  He has email access there, but no phone access.  He thought that I was rudely kidding him for not being in touch lately...but sadly, I was not joking.

Dave and I flew on Friday, April 17, to Springfield.  The trip was so easy, and I am now going to make it a habit of going through Dallas/Fort Worth.  Customs/Immigration has kiosks where you scan your passport, take a photo, and move along!  We retrieved our luggage, and just as quickly re-checked it. We couldn't have spent 30 minutes in the whole process!  We even had time to eat, though Dave was crushed that the bar had just run out of the only IPA, and he was desperate for it!

Saturday, Dave and I went by Jim's office where his law partner and office colleagues appeared shell-shocked.  We then went to the funeral home, and tentatively chose how to do a memorial service.  Greg and I knew that cremation was the best choice, and Jim's friend and colleague, Billy Wear, Jr., was prepared to do the service.

Dave and I also spent some time with Venecia, her parents, and her son, Lathan, Jim's step-son with whom he spent a lot of time playing video games and golf.  Lathan is graduating from high school in May.  Jim's sudden death was a huge loss for this family with whom Jim spent a lot of time.

Sunday was Easter and even Macy's was closed!  Dave and I went to Wilson's Creek Battlefield where Jim had spent a lot of time involved in the Civil War Round Table.  We had never visited the site, where the first Union general was killed during the Civil War.  The Ray house was on a hillside opposite Bloody Hill, and it served as a hospital during and after the battle.  Outside the house was a "highway" that led west; the wagon ruts are still visible.  The day was beautiful, warm and sunny.  We really enjoyed seeing this historical site!

On Sunday, Greg arrived, and on Monday we three finalized plans for the memorial service.  Billy Wear was incredibly supportive.  (He was a partner of the firm which gave Jim his first attorney job out of law school.)  Dave's sister, Judi, and her husband arrived from the St. Louis area, but our three children could not make such a long and expensive trip on short notice.

The memorial was held on Wednesday morning.
A huge crowd of people attended.  Judges cancelled court, and attorneys came, all speaking highly of Jim's intelligence, graciousness and ethics.  Billy Wear was eloquent!  A really beautiful service!

In the evening, an attorney friend of Jim's hosted a dinner at a restaurant, Cantina Laredo, where another large group attended, some of whom had been unable to attend the service.

Dave returned to Belize the following day, and Greg and I went to work cleaning Jim's house, choosing what to save, etc.  We worked hard, and made a lot of progress.  Now we are stymied until we can get a death certificate, which takes 6 to 8 weeks following the autopsy.  Greg and I ate and drank well!  Here Greg is at a favorite micro-brewery, Springfield Brewing Company!

Now, back in Belize, Dave and I are beginning to cycle through the months of our SECOND year in Belize! Dave has been flying more often, and remembering that the smoke and haze of April and May makes for unpleasant flying.  The heat and humidity are returning, and we are feeling a little like "been there, done that!"  How fast this first year flew by!

Laura Connelly is here with us, DMCCC's faithful volunteer from Dunedin, FL.  This trip's focus is getting Belize Hope off the ground, delivering the first scholarship applications to the three schools targeted.  Standard 6 students may apply for scholarships for high school next fall.  Later in May, Laura and Natalie Lanni will return to interview the finalists!  This project is quite an undertaking and a most needed one!

While Dave and I have made two unexpected trips to the U.S. (for a wedding and a funeral), we will be in Albuquerque next week on our first planned trip back.  I am excited to see my "Professional Development" and MahJongg friends!