Thursday, May 1, 2014

Sudden Trip to Springfield, MO

At work with a wonderful teenager, I received a telephone call from Nathan, which is an unusual event, but not so rare as to provoke anxiety.  I was shocked to learn that my 50-year-old brother, Jim, had died of a sudden heart attack on the evening of April 16th.  Jim's paralegal had a difficult time figuring out whom to call, as she could find no names, addresses, etc. of relatives.  She intelligently looked on his computer at Face Book, where he never signed out, and was able to locate posts about/from his nephews!  So she contacted Jeremy, who at that moment was on his way to a doctor's appointment, so he contacted Nathan, who contacted me.  Then I was left to find Greg, who was in the mountains of Guatemala working at the mine site.  He has email access there, but no phone access.  He thought that I was rudely kidding him for not being in touch lately...but sadly, I was not joking.

Dave and I flew on Friday, April 17, to Springfield.  The trip was so easy, and I am now going to make it a habit of going through Dallas/Fort Worth.  Customs/Immigration has kiosks where you scan your passport, take a photo, and move along!  We retrieved our luggage, and just as quickly re-checked it. We couldn't have spent 30 minutes in the whole process!  We even had time to eat, though Dave was crushed that the bar had just run out of the only IPA, and he was desperate for it!

Saturday, Dave and I went by Jim's office where his law partner and office colleagues appeared shell-shocked.  We then went to the funeral home, and tentatively chose how to do a memorial service.  Greg and I knew that cremation was the best choice, and Jim's friend and colleague, Billy Wear, Jr., was prepared to do the service.

Dave and I also spent some time with Venecia, her parents, and her son, Lathan, Jim's step-son with whom he spent a lot of time playing video games and golf.  Lathan is graduating from high school in May.  Jim's sudden death was a huge loss for this family with whom Jim spent a lot of time.

Sunday was Easter and even Macy's was closed!  Dave and I went to Wilson's Creek Battlefield where Jim had spent a lot of time involved in the Civil War Round Table.  We had never visited the site, where the first Union general was killed during the Civil War.  The Ray house was on a hillside opposite Bloody Hill, and it served as a hospital during and after the battle.  Outside the house was a "highway" that led west; the wagon ruts are still visible.  The day was beautiful, warm and sunny.  We really enjoyed seeing this historical site!

On Sunday, Greg arrived, and on Monday we three finalized plans for the memorial service.  Billy Wear was incredibly supportive.  (He was a partner of the firm which gave Jim his first attorney job out of law school.)  Dave's sister, Judi, and her husband arrived from the St. Louis area, but our three children could not make such a long and expensive trip on short notice.

The memorial was held on Wednesday morning.
A huge crowd of people attended.  Judges cancelled court, and attorneys came, all speaking highly of Jim's intelligence, graciousness and ethics.  Billy Wear was eloquent!  A really beautiful service!

In the evening, an attorney friend of Jim's hosted a dinner at a restaurant, Cantina Laredo, where another large group attended, some of whom had been unable to attend the service.

Dave returned to Belize the following day, and Greg and I went to work cleaning Jim's house, choosing what to save, etc.  We worked hard, and made a lot of progress.  Now we are stymied until we can get a death certificate, which takes 6 to 8 weeks following the autopsy.  Greg and I ate and drank well!  Here Greg is at a favorite micro-brewery, Springfield Brewing Company!

Now, back in Belize, Dave and I are beginning to cycle through the months of our SECOND year in Belize! Dave has been flying more often, and remembering that the smoke and haze of April and May makes for unpleasant flying.  The heat and humidity are returning, and we are feeling a little like "been there, done that!"  How fast this first year flew by!

Laura Connelly is here with us, DMCCC's faithful volunteer from Dunedin, FL.  This trip's focus is getting Belize Hope off the ground, delivering the first scholarship applications to the three schools targeted.  Standard 6 students may apply for scholarships for high school next fall.  Later in May, Laura and Natalie Lanni will return to interview the finalists!  This project is quite an undertaking and a most needed one!

While Dave and I have made two unexpected trips to the U.S. (for a wedding and a funeral), we will be in Albuquerque next week on our first planned trip back.  I am excited to see my "Professional Development" and MahJongg friends!

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