Sunday, May 11, 2014

Two Weeks of Adventures!

Sunrise over the Sandias

Two days after returning to Belize from Springfield, MO, Laura Connelly arrived from Florida.  Her mission this trip was to introduce Belize Hope to the Standard 6 students at three schools, students who will be attending high school next school year.  (Go to: to read about this worthwhile organization!)  She stayed with us, at the Brown B & B, and we had such fun having her here!  While we all worked, we also had time to sit around the table and talk.  

Laura and I took a trip to explore places she might take the children and family for outings during the summer.  Actually, it turned out that we explored places NOT to take the children!  We found two roads that led to Rio Frio, which one of the DMCCC kids said was a great place to visit.  It may be, but to get there, one has to drive on a terrible road!  Now I had the four-wheel drive vehicle, but I asked Laura if she knew how to change a flat tire, which was my biggest concern, and when she replied that she called AAA (my technique, as well), we turned around!  We did make it up to Cahal Pech Village Resort for a lovely lunch in a little rain.  And we took the ferry to Spanish Lookout where the fields were all plowed and ready for planting.  (Here is a picture of Laura crossing the river!)  We wanted to find a road that took us an alternative way into and out of the Spanish Lookout area.  Looking at the map, we felt that we were on the right track, but the yellow gates blocking our way seemed to indicate differently!  After a couple of brief stops at art galleries and after being stopped numerous times at police check points, which were due to the "state fair" that was being held in Belmopan, we made it home before dark!  We had such fun!

On Monday, May 5th, 2014, Laura left for Florida, and Dave and I took off for Albuquerque.  Dave and I had lots of friends to see, and didn't get to touch base with all of them, sadly.  We had lots of appointments, too.  Dave passed his flight physical with flying colors, so to speak.  And he passed his written exams for his CFI, i.e. towards the flight instructors' certificate.  Dave also went to the audiologist in Corrales, and we had dinner at Flying Star, sitting beside a fireplace in May!  

I made it to the dentist and to the eye doctor, who prescribed glasses apparently coated in gold leaf (for the price).  I didn't get much of an answer as to why my vision in my left eye has deteriorated so much, so fast.  I, of course, had to play a little MahJongg and see my friends there!  And I had "Professional Development" with friends who all once worked where I did.  Dave had lunch with former professional friends, too.  And we had to shop!!!  Actually, other than a couple of computers, we bought mostly Swiffer refills!  

Dave and I did go to Edgewood and look in the hangar.  He wanted to get several flying things to bring back to Belize.  I was hesitant about seeing all of my things packed up in the hangar, and was surprised that my reaction was:  "I don't need any of this stuff!"  Interesting!  What I also realized quickly is that I don't want to live in Edgewood again.  The wind was howling, blowing dust and pollen.  It was down in the 40's, and I started sneezing non-stop, eyes streaming!  The allergies in New Mexico are not good for me!

Dave and I loved walking/running along the Rio Grande bicycle trail, so we made time on Friday morning to do that.  The weather was beautiful, and while the allergies persisted, I also realized what I loved about New Mexico!  Crisp, clear weather along the river!

Then back to Belize, where I am happily at home!  Observation:  the wind in New Mexico is not fun, filled with allergens and dust and cold, but the wind in Belize is heavenly, a break in the heat and pleasant to feel.  I will admit that we have smoke in the air from "slash and burn" agriculture, but I have no allergies here, and that in itself is a gift!  A Happy Mother's Day!

1 comment:

  1. A wonderful, if quick trip! Everywhere you live there are the pros and cons, but I am with you on the wind. It's one of my very big dislikes of Colorado Springs too. And the allergies in But so many things I love too! A very happy and loving Mother's Day to you, Pat, one of the precious "mothers" in my life!
