Saturday, June 8, 2013

Mosquitos & Lizards

I was always uncomfortable with the idea of living in an area where lizards crawl on the walls inside the house.  I remember that in Malawi the cottage, so to speak, in which we stayed in the hippopotamus park, had lizards all over the walls, mosquito netting, and no electricity!  And we arrived after dark!  I had a sleepless night. Well, I guess I've matured (no kidding), because now I live in a house with lizards, who manage to get in through the tiniest cracks!  The cats believe that we are providing them wind-up toys and are very grateful.  But when Maddy found a small lizard on the wall as we were going to bed last night, the lizard was less of a problem than one cat trying to get to the ceiling!  So far we have found no carcasses, and I don't know where the lizards go when I'm not looking.

This week was rather a low one for me, though it had some wonderful moments.  And it sounds ridiculous what influenced my attitude:  mosquitos.  I look like I've been eaten by rats or something.  I really hate insect repellant, but I can see no alternative.  The first can of "Off!" was gone in a couple of days.  So we bought another can, and this one had Deet and was "sweat resistant."  I don't know which, if not both, caused my detestable reaction, but I was in misery all day!  I felt like my skin could not breathe, holding in the heat, sticking my clothes to my skin, and generally increasing my heat discomfort multiple times!  So back to the store for more insect repellant.  This time one with Deet and one without.  As Dave had the same reaction to the sweat resistant kind and he used the non-sweat-resistant Deet kind and still felt it generated heat, I have been sticking to the picaridin kind of "Off" under the assumption that the Deet is the culprit.  I don't think that the "Family Care Off" is supposed to be as effective, and within the first 3 minutes of leaving the house with it on, a mosquito bit my arm right where I sprayed.  I may be wasting my time trying to avoid the mosquitos.  Standing water in the ditches is a lovely habitat for the mosquitos, as well as for the crocodiles (which I look for whenever I leave my house, but none have been seen here).  Ms. Augustine from the Centre suggested that I pour any leftover cooking oil in the ditch, as even a little oil will help reduce the population of the bugs.  I just wonder where that Belize City pest control program is hiding.

The week has been extraordinarily hot and humid, and the Belizeans have been miserable along with me, so I don't feel like such a wimp.  And tiles were still being replaced at the Centre in my office, so we had no a/c on during the day.  I worked long hours with some new experiences.  I attended a permanency planning meeting, and actually had some influence (I really wanted a little girl with crossed eyes to have an eye examination and treatment, which was approved).  I wrote a letter to the Director of Human Development about a child whom I had seen and felt needed a psychiatric evaluation.  I presented my training to the second half of the staff.  And I went to a school with a child and Ms. Augustine to try to convince them to accept her back after behavioral issues.  The good part of that visit to the school was getting to see inside some classrooms which all look dark (sun is an enemy here, in many ways), but which were delightfully decorated and had little children in uniforms happily working together at tables.  Not so good was the unsympathetic principal, who was so insensitive to the child who was standing with me (well, cowering behind me is a better description) as he railed against her!  I was absolutely appalled!  And this is at a "good" school!  As Ms. Augustine said, we would not even want her to return there after the things he said!  Ouch!

Dave flew a little less in the long run this week.  But one day he made about three trips to Punta Gorda and back, hardly touching down between trips!  His accomplishment was changing the oil in the plane, a first for him, and having the airplane fly again when finished!

Dave and I went to the Wine Club meeting this week with Yvette and a young medic who just arrived from Alberta, Canada.  She and her husband had been there for a month on break from his medical school here (an off-shore program, fully accredited).  The meeting was held at the Radisson.  Richard (I forgot his last name), who owns Premium Wines here,  gave a rather interesting talk on sulfites.  I actually learned quite a bit!  Anyway, we then tasted 3 Sauvignon Blancs.  However, there were a number of other wines being drunk (I'd not call it "sampled") along with hors d'oeurves in the hour before the actual tasting.  A lot of people were there.  And yes, I knew a number of them.  (I also saw a friend at the grocery store...I must really belong here now.)

Most frustrating for Dave and me has been the lack of exercise.  The heat is a funny is so draining that even with good intentions, it is next to impossible to get moving.  If my house were air conditioned, I probably would do more at home.  And honestly, the mosquitos are so bad that I don't want to leave the house unless absolutely necessary, which with the heat, seems impossible anyway.  So...we have a new idea.  We went to the Radisson, and learned that they have a workout room that actually has a membership one can buy.  And a personal trainer works there, too!  So now we are looking into doing that, though it will cost about the same as Midtown, I think.  It is air-conditioned and has good equipment.  You can even Google it and see for yourself:  Lamanai Fitness Center.  And use of the pool goes with it!  I may get that tan yet!

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