Sunday, June 2, 2013

The Good, the Bad & the Ugly

I thought it was going to rain and reduce the humidity today, but the rain was short-lived and the humidity is is sprinkling.  Yesterday it was 90 degrees, and when I went to the Sea to walk, there was no cooling breeze.

For a Sunday morning it has been a little too dramatic.  First, the ugly:  I heard a dog fight, and made the mistake of looking out the window.  A big dog was attacking a young woman's small dog in the water-filled ditch, and two people were trying to separate the dogs.  I ran from the window!  It was awful!  I dislike seeing stray dogs, so hungry and scared, and there are a lot of them.  And I hate having nearly all dogs off leash.  But after this morning, I think I'll always walk with my big, pointy umbrella.  When I think of my crazy well cared-for cats, it is a dramatic difference here.  Many people do care for their dogs.  In fact, after the fight, someone was getting the attention of my neighbor to see if the vicious dog was theirs, but their dogs are well cared for and contained behind a fence.  Izzie and Maddy have had to adjust to Friskies, and they seem to be doing ok.  Dave may have found a source for designer pet food, but I am not eager to be spending the money.

For the bad:  I was dusting (which is nearly a daily activity between cat hair and every window and door open).  I heard a commotion outdoors and saw a man talking to someone (my neighbor on the opposite side of my yard).  I investigated further, and there was a major fight happening on the next street.  I watched some of the activity through my upstairs window, but I don't understand Kriol well enough to know what the problem was.  It was a pretty serious fight.

For the good:  I went yesterday to a wine tasting at the prettiest little wine shop, inside of a hardware store!!!  I found a wonderful Sauvignon Blanc from South Africa (Exselsior).  So many people were there!  At one point, I saw Chris, who is on the child care centre board, across the crowded room, and I waved!  Yvette laughed!  I must be at home when I am waving at people whom I know across the room!  A caterer, Jan, provided wonderful food! I wound up buying a cheese spread, too.

One of the things which Dave and I have looked for is a bakery.  Yvette stopped at one where she said she always buys whole wheat bread, right out of the oven.  And they were out of it.  But now I know where to go!  Yvette bought Dave a piece of rum cake, since he couldn't go wine tasting.  Dave and I shared it, and it was fantastic!

Dave summarized his flying for the month of May.  He flew over 50 hours and carried 37 patients.  That is  big month!  Yvette said that she anticipates about 30 hours of flying on average, so this was a busy month!  We are planning a weekend off, with Yvette's blessing, to go to San Pedro on Ambergris Caye, hopefully to a pristine beach and quiet spot.

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy! You guys are great, and need that well-deserved break. PS -- Tell Dave there are airline pilots jealous of the amount of hours he's logging. When I flew traffic watch and would log between 25 - 30 hours a week, boy did I get grief! Some of these guys don't log 30 hours a month.
