Thursday, May 30, 2013

Just Bits & Pieces

Yesterday, I presented my first training to staff.  I felt like it went well, with people being fairly nervous at first, but relaxing as the hour went by.  I tallied my evaluation forms which indicated general approval, but a wish for more and longer trainings!  I think that is a vote of confidence, as well as an assignment to get to work!  Obviously, some staff were sullen, some had fun and volunteered for my wacky role-plays, and some were totally honest and open about the challenges of being in this job--which is so incredibly difficult!  My job is so easy compared to theirs!  I did the training ("Rage in Children") twice yesterday, reaching half the staff, and I will repeat the same schedule next Wednesday so that all of the staff receive the same information.  Then I will collate the notes from staff and share with them.

Now to bits & pieces:

Dave and I had to renew our tourist visas, as New Mexico has still not sent a police report that says we are not criminals so that we can get a volunteer visa that lasts a year.  We found the building, and went up to the window.  I was asked where I was staying, and I said at 8 St. J's Street.  And the officer replied:  "Do you have a small red car?"  My mouth dropped open, and I said "Yes, how did you know?"  He said with a chuckle:  "We know everything."  We left that window and went and paid the fee.  We returned to the first window, received our visa stamp, and the officer said:  "I'll see you in the neighborhood...I live at 12 St. J's Street!"  I laughed the rest of the day!  What a small city!  Of course, how many old white folks are driving down the street!  We are fairly noticeable!

On the way to the Immigration Department, we passed what I call a "Malawi auto parts store!"  Someone had a blanket on the sidewalk with auto parts, nails, hammers, etc.  Just like I saw in Malawi!

I have seen few speed limit signs.  In fact, I don't know that I have noticed any in my trips around town.  People just go fast when they can and slow when they can't, and I go right along with them!  There were a few on the Western Highway, but not many!  Lines down the middle of the road are not evident either!

Dave stopped by a store that is sort of a Belize version of Marshalls.  He was looking for pants, and they have overstocks from the U.S., etc.  Well, he looked around, considering a vacuum cleaner (still battling cat hair), and he found an item that we just can't do without here:  AN ELECTRIC WINDSHIELD SCRAPER FOR SNOW!!

1 comment:

  1. Your team is lucky to have your training! I love that your neighbor recognized you...creepy at first, but then hilarious when you discovered he lives close! Snow??? Huh??? :)
