Saturday, May 11, 2013


I have been feeling stuck about writing on this blog.  How can life feel ho-hum already?  Amazing, the adaptability of humans.

Perhaps it is the heat.  Today I went to a board meeting of the Dorothy Menzies Child Care Centre.  Chair of the Board is Dorothy Menzies.  She has been on the Board for 22 years, which I would guess is the near lifetime of the centre.  Anyway, to return to the issue of the heat.  Everyone at the Board meeting was complaining about it, feeling that they wanted to just sit and do nothing.  Yesterday, I could hardly stay awake, then slept nearly 10 hours--and all because of the heat.  So the secret behind the laid back, slow pace of the Caribbean is the heat and humidity.  I think in Idaho snow these people would be racing around, too!

I introduced myself to the Board, sharing some of my many jobs.  And they shared their hopes...which is enough to scare a person!  I think they hope for miracles, but I think they will find that none occur.  I am ready to leap in now, having spent a good deal of time in the yard with the kids.  I would like to meet with each one individually for a few minutes and then decide the priority of kids needing more frequent therapy.

So speaking of standing in the yard, I had little children all over me--some stroking my arm, I'm sure for the contact, but also because they find my skin odd!  I love it!  They also said I was a little "scanty!"  I think they think I am a little thin!  The funny thing is that many, many of the people are thin, and I am not speaking of the children alone.  There are people who are overweight, but there are many who are not.  I told the children that I lift weights, and they thought this hilarious!  We are speaking of 5-8 year olds!  It was delightful!

But as I was leaving, again catching a ride with Giovanni from the Board, I learned that one of the 14 year old boys ran.  I couldn't believe it!  I could tell that he seemed angrier than on Thursday, but I did not realize what was going on.  So the police were called.  He will come back.  He just wants a visit with family.

Yesterday, Dave did not get a call.  It was nice to not be interrupted, as I did not work either.  We went to Courts, an air-conditioned furniture store, and bought a bookcase.  Then we went to the warehouse to pick it up, which just happened to be by the Travellers Bar & Liquor Store and a Mexican taco place!  We bought some light rum, then had tacos and quesadillas for lunch (with Coke Light)!  So nice to be in an open-air restaurant!  In the afternoon (when it was 103 degrees--without adding the humidity factor in) we walked to the meat market and to One-Click, a small general market up the street.  I spent some time looking at recipes on-line, and I am missing all spices  There is a spice company here in Belize, so I knew that the meat market had some to purchase.  Now I will make a Caribbean chicken stew for dinner.

Today Dave flew to San Pedro in the morning, and right after I got the the Centre, he left again for Punta Gorda and Dangriga--which is why I had to get a ride home or walk in my dress and good sandals (I was trying to make a good impression on the Board).  The children didn't recognize me!!

Speaking of looking decent, I lowered my standards and went to Walmart in Edgewood in sweats.  Well, I've lowered my standards further.  I have worn my hair pulled back in a very small pony tail, with no eye make-up whatsoever!  Eye make-up runs in the heat, and it is just too difficult to stand in the bathroom putting it on in the heat!  (By the way, the little girls kept pulling their hands through my very odd hair, too!  Getting to know this strange lady, Ms. Pat!)

1 comment:

  1. The people you work with sound amazing, and the children!
